Thank you all for visiting my blog and website. It really give me the motivation to live to the fullest!
i hope i can fulfill my revolution to create at least something every week, if it cannot be everyday.
i feel good each time i create a new accessories. just like i feel good each time i finish writing one story. I want to start feeling good from every week to everyday...
这几个月满怀心事,外人其实看不出来,但自己心里有数。跌入谷底的心情大大影响私下生活和健康,没心情实现自己的梦想,包括这个部落格、日文课和原本兴致勃勃的制首饰兴趣,在此多多见谅。feel sorry for not active for few months... but i want to be back in action!
I must thank Sesame for giving the opportunity to publish my website to her readers(her blog: on 30 May) , currently i already generate close to 200 viewers!! it really give me the push factor to move forward and i don' feel as down anymore. Thank you all for visiting my blog and websites. It really give me the motivation to live to the fullest!
i create this website:, all for the convenience of friends and public who are interested in the accessories i created. feel free to give me your feedback ;)